Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Catharsis via Hot Glue Gun Crafts - DIY Waterfall Projects

Hopefully, this is my last DIY for Hot Glue Waterfalls for a while... maybe forever--kinda been there done that-- got 4  handmade waterfall DIY projects in my house that I don't know what to do with.What is interesting about this brief Hot Glue Waterfall DIY era in my life is that I recently removed all of the pictures of waterfalls in my home located in my Feng Shui Career area.

Now that I think about it, I don't think it was auspicious for me to have waterfalls in my water/ career area. I think waterfalls are wild, untamed, and passionate. I don't know if this was the best  Feng Shui symbolism for consistency and focus or completing a book series. 

One thing I can testify as my personal truth about Feng Shui is that it has been very accurate in my life reflecting back to me where I am--emotionally, spiritually, financially... not where I want to be. Only when I evolve am I able to see why something needs to be changed. I have learned that I am never able to see what needs to change until, I have already made the change within myself.

I didn’t plan to create or take down waterfalls with any conscious agenda. However, I noticed that I had several questions that echoed through my mind while making these hot glue gun crafts symbolizing water: “Why am I here? Where do I belong? Am I where I am supposed to be at this juncture in my life? Or Did I miss my opportunity to be all that I came to planet earth to be?


In this DIY Handmade Waterfall Project, learn how to make a hot glue gun water fall using this easy hot glue craft tutorial. I let my imagination run wild and turned the hot glue waterfall into a water fall of flowing hot tea surrounded by sugar cookies, donuts, and slices of cake. I used a tea set from the toy store in this tutorial. I hope you enjoy making this hot tea water fall as much as I did. Thank you for watching

While making the hot glue gun waterfalls, I think I have come to the conclusion that belonging implies a static state of existence. However, life is not about where you belong—life is about flow. Life is about change. Life is about movement. Every atom of the universe is shifting to a place that never existed, and will never exist again.

Nothing stays the same because we would have to be the same person who experienced it the first time. Therefore, as we grow spiritually, physically, emotionally, and psychologically; we morph into beings that never existed before equipped to ride the tide of the moment.

Riding the tide of the moment means, that I must understand that I don’t control the conditions of the future-- or even the past for that matter-- what is done cannot be undone; just like I can’t dictate, control, or shape a waterfall. It moves in one direction, never to be the same through all eternity.

I think waterfalls are mesmerizingly beautiful and mighty like all majestic life forms. They are meant to be admired from afar as reminders to humans to understand that the way we hold on to life is by learning how to let go and embrace the magic of the moment. I am where I am supposed to be.

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