Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Jungle Beauty Goddess Chalbi Ruler of Death and Transformation

 Jungle Beauty Goddess Chalbi

By Cassandra George Sturges MA, MA, Psy.D

My message to humans is that most people die long before the physical death of their bodies. If you hate your life, your job, your mate, your major or anything else is in your life… you are already dead. Death is not living completely to maximize your full potential.

But this is not what I want to talk to you about. I want to talk to you about disposing of all of the things in your life that are no longer working for you. In order for something new and better to come into your life you must first make room for it.

You are going to need 3 bags or piles. What you are going to keep; what you are going to give away; and what you are going to throw away. The general rule is that if is not in good condition throw it way. If it good enough for someone you love give it away. Only commit to this activity when you are in a non-sentimental ruthless mood.

I don’t believe that it is emotionally healthy to keep old cards, diaries, letters, and gifts from exes. If you read it and it makes you feel depressed, sad, and/or suicidal—why are you keeping this garbage. If you were to drop dead today, would you be embarrassed by the mementos that you have left behind for your loved ones to be horrified by? Spare them and yourself. Get rid of this negative energy.

Throw away all of your clothes that no longer fit. I know you are probably trying to lose weight to get back into that size 5 pair of jeans you had in high school—but don’t. If and when you become a size 5 again, Honey trust me you will find a new pair of size 5 jeans. They are not hard to find. Keeping clothes that you can no longer fit in is like a snake trying to fit back into its dead skin shell it has shed. You are not the person who wore those jeans. Your cells have changed, your mind has changed; obviously your body has changed, and who you are as a person has changed in so many ways since you stopped fitting those jeans. If you were that person you would be wearing those jeans. This is dead energy let it go. End of story.

Give away anything that you have not worn in the last 6 months to a year. It’s not you. If it was you and you felt magnificent in it, you would wear it. It’s taking up space from something that would make you feel beautiful and fabulous.

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