Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Jungle Beauty Goddess Chalbi Ruler of Death and Transformation

 Jungle Beauty Goddess Chalbi

By Cassandra George Sturges MA, MA, Psy.D

My message to humans is that most people die long before the physical death of their bodies. If you hate your life, your job, your mate, your major or anything else is in your life… you are already dead. Death is not living completely to maximize your full potential.

But this is not what I want to talk to you about. I want to talk to you about disposing of all of the things in your life that are no longer working for you. In order for something new and better to come into your life you must first make room for it.

You are going to need 3 bags or piles. What you are going to keep; what you are going to give away; and what you are going to throw away. The general rule is that if is not in good condition throw it way. If it good enough for someone you love give it away. Only commit to this activity when you are in a non-sentimental ruthless mood.

I don’t believe that it is emotionally healthy to keep old cards, diaries, letters, and gifts from exes. If you read it and it makes you feel depressed, sad, and/or suicidal—why are you keeping this garbage. If you were to drop dead today, would you be embarrassed by the mementos that you have left behind for your loved ones to be horrified by? Spare them and yourself. Get rid of this negative energy.

Throw away all of your clothes that no longer fit. I know you are probably trying to lose weight to get back into that size 5 pair of jeans you had in high school—but don’t. If and when you become a size 5 again, Honey trust me you will find a new pair of size 5 jeans. They are not hard to find. Keeping clothes that you can no longer fit in is like a snake trying to fit back into its dead skin shell it has shed. You are not the person who wore those jeans. Your cells have changed, your mind has changed; obviously your body has changed, and who you are as a person has changed in so many ways since you stopped fitting those jeans. If you were that person you would be wearing those jeans. This is dead energy let it go. End of story.

Give away anything that you have not worn in the last 6 months to a year. It’s not you. If it was you and you felt magnificent in it, you would wear it. It’s taking up space from something that would make you feel beautiful and fabulous.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Jungle Beauty Goddess Afar Ruler of Creativity


 Jungle Beauty Goddess Afar

By Cassandra George Sturges MA, MA, Psy.D

Whatever thing that you find is missing in life; maybe you were born to create it. Whatever problem that you find that needs to be fixed, you were probably born to solve it. You are the perfection that you seek.

I find nothing more annoying than humans who want to look like each other. The woman who wants bigger breasts, a smaller nose, or longer hair is always trying to imitate some other women who hates something about her own body. I don’t understand why humans waste so much time despising their temporary, dying bodies that allow them to travel briefly on earth.

Before trying another diet, promise me that you will first appreciate the body you have by not calling yourself fat or any other derogatory names. First, I want you to go and buy a beautiful long flowing gown, an elegant mirror, and one pink candle; and beautiful yellow and/or pink flowers. Buy your favorite tea; peach, apple cinnamon, passion, lavender or whatever you like. Even a glass of wine is perfect for this occasion. I would purchase a special wine or tea cup for one for this party.

Buy or make an invitation to a self-love celebration. Select a date and time when no one is home or everyone is fast asleep. Put a stamp on it and mail it yourself. Don’t email it or text it. You are worth a pretty stamp. Make sure that you won’t be interrupted by anyone. Soft music and incense is optional. However, I am a bit of a drama queen and the more ambiances the better for me.

I want you to take a warm bath or shower, lotion and massage every inch of your body. Slip into your gown. Place your flowers in view. Light your candles. Take three deep breathes to the count of five. Hold your mirror up and look deep within your eyes and say, “I love you, I love you, I love you. I love you (your full name including your nickname and middle name). Repeat I love you using your entire name three times.

For many of you this will be very difficult. Take a moment to let your words resonate within your spirit. Now say to yourself, “I forgive you. I know that you have always done your best and if you had known better you would have done better. You are only human. I am asking your forgiveness for all of the times that I have mistreated you by eating the wrong foods, dating the wrong fools, overworking you and not getting enough rest, and not saying no when I should have. From this moment forth, I am going to start taking better care of you.”

Relax take a sip of your drink. Sit for a few moments and relax. Imagine a picture of yourself when you were a child playing. Now look in the mirror at your inner child and ask her what she wants to create. Have fun and use your imagination. Do you want to learn how to play the piano, sew curtains, make candles, bake cookies, or design jewelry. 

I challenge you for ninety days to come up with an original idea that expresses the uniqueness of your personality. All of the energy that you have put into criticizing yourself and others, use it to create an original idea. You are already perfect.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Jungle Beauty Goddess's Pretty Blue Ball Book Review by Khulela Byrd

By Khulela Byrd
Intern for Colorblind Magazine

I was skeptical to read Jungle Beauty Goddess’s Pretty Blue Ball because I’ve never been into science fiction and the only time I’ve read the genre was for specific classes. However, as soon as I began reading it I was compelled to read further. Ultimately, the book makes the reader think about his or her place in the world as well as the condition of the planet we live on, but the biggest message I received from the book was that family should always be a top priority. I also believe the book included a message about coming of age and making the proper decisions as well as learning from our mistakes.

The love the parents showed their children was undeniable and the bond the sisters had was comparable. I enjoyed being acquainted with each Goddess and their thoughts about their plans for their planet as well as their own intimate desires. The pictures were added bonuses because it made the story whole. One of my favorite lines in the story was when the sisters would say, “I love you sister. One as the same, the same as one—without you—there would be none.” The story was told very well, conflict and all. I am hoping for a second story to see what happens further. I’d recommend everyone to read this book!

Jungle Beauty Goddess Kalahari Ruler of the Heart

Jungle Beauty Goddess Kalahari

by Cassandra George Sturges
I am the ruler of your heart, emotions and all relationships. What I want humans to know is that when humans say follow your heart and you will never be lost—this is not always the best thing to do. I know this is contrary to everything that you have been told—but the heart is the essence of human frailty and vulnerability. It is the most dangerous component of the human psyche because it can be irrational, illogical, selfish, jealous, envious, passionate, empathetic, and compassionate …but it is incapable of learning, evolving, or growing.

Jungle Beauty Goddess Kalahari drinking lavender tea at the planetary development station. Her sister, Jungle Beauty Goddess Sahara is in the background sitting next to her.
What humans do not understand is that the heart cannot be consoled or cajoled into loving anyone but who it wants to love. Humans cannot control who they love—only how they love. The heart never regrets anything that it has ever done. The heart never regrets loving anyone that it has ever truly loved. People think the world has been destroyed because it lacks love—but the world is being destroyed because of misguided love—not hate. The greatest wars have been fought over matters of the heart. People love irrationally but they hate for a reason.

People kill, steal, and rob for the people they love. People destroy the lives of innocent people for the God that they love.

People are selfish not because they hate other people, but because they want to give the world to the people whom they love. Humans think that if they win one more war; conquer one more nation --- that just maybe – just maybe-- that special someone will love them back just as much.

Love cannot be experienced by how many people love you. Love can only be experienced by how many people you are capable of unconditionally loving. If you feed, shelter, or help anyone with expectations or requirements that they practice your religion or believe in your God—this is not love.

If you think that because you gave birth to your children, provided them with shelter, clothes, and food that they are required to take care of you in your old age—this is not love. You should have children because you have so much love to give—you can’t control if they will love you back.

I wish humans knew and understood that there is nothing you can do to make a person love you back or stop a person from loving you who really loves you. Remember that true love is its own reward it wants nothing in return.