Monday, July 29, 2019

Why You Have 0 Zero Friends Pick A Card Reading

Playing the victim is such a beautiful place to reside and hide from our own flaws, imperfections,  & weaknesses and blame the world for our problems. I love it there. It is such a comforting, wonderful ,and blissful state of being to never take time to access our own accountability for our actions and re-actions to others.

I think in the Movie the Lion King, they coined the term, “Hakuna Matata” meaning no worries for the rest of your life to describe this place to which I am referring to. I also wonder if this place is around the corner from Utopia, or 2 blocks down the street from Heaven?

While doing this Pick A Card, Tarot Reading, “Why You Have No Friends” sadly and embarrassingly …I saw myself in each spread. (Just for the record—Thank God—I do have very very dear friends that I would trade for the world) I have been on both sides of the coin for each Butterfly Color pile.

Dumbledore, warned Harry Potter that the truth can be devastating. I don’t remember the exact quote. The point is when we dabble in truth…we can’t be afraid to look in the mirror. I hope you find value in this Jungle Beauty Goddess Oracle Reading—Thank you so much for watching.

Select a butterfly that resonates with your spirit for your message or listen to all of them for inspiration and insight into human nature.

Pay attention to the words on the cards because you may have a different interpretation of the message than the one given to me.

Yellow Butterfly ~ 1:39
Hot Pink Butterfly ~ 10:03
Blue Butterfly ~ 17:37
Lavender / Purple Butterfly ~ 25:09