Saturday, January 28, 2017

Life Quote of the Day-- You own Everything and Nothing

Quote of the Day:
“Just because you create something… it doesn’t mean that it belongs to you.”
Jungle Beauty Goddesses  “Pretty Blue Ball”

Cassandra George Sturges

Have you ever created an idea, style, business, concept—even a child—that you felt innately belonged to you because you were its creator?  Then you noticed that everyone starts saying your sayings; wearing their pants the way you wear your pants; slanting their eyeliner the way you do; painting their nails the same color as yours; making songs that sound similar to yours… What about the people who started their own business just to find their small business taken over by larger companies; or worst yet fired from their own companies. I am sure Steve Jobs knows a thing or two about this.

I believe that when we are inspired to manifest an idea, concept, or even give birth to a human being to channel them from ether to physical form; we must accept the reality that we are the life force vessel to manifest something from one realm of reality to another. However, we are not its owner by any means. We can’t own anything because we are everything. And, because we are everything—we already own everything.

Sometimes parents have dreams for their children’s lives. They want them to grow up to be doctors, lawyers, and teachers. Parents dream of having grandchildren or plan elaborate weddings, and/ or fantasize about their child taking over the family business or attending their child’s graduation from Harvard. Then they learn later that their child is gay, has a mental or physical disability, or has chosen to be a stripper, prostitute, or drug dealer.

We are devastated because we believe that when something does work out as expected it is somehow our fault. We can write a book but we can’t force people to read it, publish it, or like it. We can beg and plead with our children to complete college—but it is ultimately their choice. Be able to separate the creation from the outcome. The outcome is never in your control. The outcome is none of your business.

When we choose to participate in an artistic expression of the Cosmic Divine Mind we must acknowledge that our spiritual contract is to bring it into existence in a specific moment of time and space. We may be its keeper and nurturer for a brief period of infinity—but we do not own it.

Life Quotes | 3 Practical Application

1.       When something or someone is in your possession take good care of it. Try to keep it in mint condition for the next caretaker. Love it with all of your heart and give it all you got. Nevertheless, behold within your spirit that you are only a minute part of its journey-- and know when to graciously let go of something or someone.

2.      You are renting your earth suit. It is a time-dimensional avatar for a particular mission to planet earth. Align yourself with your spiritual purpose and know when something is truly not your business, your fight, or in the realm of your creation.

3.       Even though something and someone may not belong to you—you may still be under a spiritual contractual obligation to protect it and provide for it until it is ready for its next level of evolution. We may feel like—because we aren’t getting anything directly out of the relationship we shouldn’t be obligated to pour anything into it. However, we have all heard of alimony, child support, and severance packages from companies to compensate people who are fired or laid-off from their jobs. Never forget that you are a caretaker not an owner. When you bring it into this world, you don't get to decide it's destiny.

Ownership is an illusion of the ego. Be careful about what you say yes to; it may not end at the time or way you expected it to-- but you are still responsible for its well-being. 

Quotes Translator, Weekly Column by, Cassandra George Sturges discusses Inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, famous quotes, quote of the day, positive quotes, life quotes, Quotes about life, life lessons, and relationship quotes and their applications to your life.


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