Thursday, March 29, 2012

What are Signs that I am Making a Good Decision

Dear Sahara,

How do I know if I am in the right job, relationship, or degree program? What signs should I look for to know that I am where I belong?


Dear Confused,

Many people believe that when things are going wrong or not the way that they expect them to go, they are in the wrong career, wrong education program, and wrong relationship—however this is not always true.

Imagine a tree that has been in one spot for many years. Why do you think that tree is still in the same spot?

You know that you are in the right place if you are still growing, evolving, and learning. It is not a question of how long should you remain in a particular job or relationship, what matters the most is whether or not you are continuing to grow.  You belong where you are getting stronger, wiser, smarter and more mature. You belong where you are growing psychologically, physically, spiritually and emotionally.

If you are learning strategies on how to perform a task better—this is where you belong. If you are in a relationship with a person who is encouraging and supporting you to follow your dreams, eat healthy, stop smoking, or abusing substances—you are where you belong. If you are struggling with a few required classes that you must pass in order to obtain a degree in field that you love—you are where you belong. 

Your difficult classes are giving you opportunities to sharpen your study skills, test your mental toughness and learn to adapt to new information.  If you are learning how to get along with people from diverse religions, cultures, and political parties; and you are socially uncomfortable—this is where you belong.

It is time to move on when you can predict who will live or die, without bothering to search for a new method, herb, or technology that could change the outcome. People frequently died of diseases in the past that are now curable.  It is time to move on when you can easily predict which students will pass or fail in your class—without doing everything in your power to develop or create a new way for that child to learn.

It is time to move on when you must stop growing so that you do not out shine or appear smarter or more successful than your mate or friends.  You should move on when you see injustices, unfair laws, and mistreatment of others, and you feel that things will never change. When you stop growing, you become the disease that causes others to die, long before they are physically dead.

The key thing to remember is that where you belong is not determined by how easy or difficult a task or situation is but whether or not being there is making you a better person.

Trees die when where they exist no longer supports their growth with the perfect environmental nutrients. Trees die when they lose their water supply;  or if there roots are saturated with too much water; when they do not get enough sun light or too much sun light; and or an invasion by a parasite.  Trees die when they stop growing new leaves. 

Jungle Beauty Goddess Sahara
Transmitted via Cassandra George Sturges
For Entertainment Purposes Only

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