Saturday, January 6, 2018

How to Believe in Yourself

When asked the question, “Do you believe in yourself” can you answer affirmatively, ‘Yes!’without hesitation? If not, what do you think is holding you back from believing in yourself? If you keep a daily journal of your thoughts and actions you may find that the person who is holding you back from reaching your full potential and making your dreams come true is the image of the person who is reflected back to you each time you look in the mirror.

While meditating I asked my higher self, if there was one thing that I needed to change about myself in order to reach my highest potential, what would that one thing be. A quiet voice inside of my head, softly said, “Believe in yourself.” Believe in myself? I pondered out loud, I have always believed in myself, I need more practical advice, like go to bed at 9 pm, read this book, or do 10 jumping jacks; but suggesting that I believe in myself is a difficult task because it is a vague, abstract concept that is difficult to apply to my life.

After journaling for a few moments, I will call it my spirit—said to me, “You don’t pray for assistance, you pray for permission. You don’t ask for strength, wisdom, and insight to help you accomplish your dream, instead you pray, ‘Lord, if you don’t want me to have this, please take the desire out of my heart. If this is not your will show me another way. What is my divine purpose? Please give me sign that my life is moving in the right direction.'

What if I told you that the treasures of life-- lie in the desires of your heart? Your will is my will. I gave those gifts to you—use them. You want the world to validate you first, so that you will have the courage to believe in yourself. The world will see you through your own eyes. How do you see yourself? What do you want?”

I wrote in my journal, that I am a writer. The soft voice in my head responded, “How often do you write? How often are you lulled into complacency by watching television, texting nonsense, or reading gossip magazines? Are you a writer because of your actions or do you want me to force you to write? I can meet you at the computer, but I will never drag you there.”

After completing this journaling exercise, I started monitoring my behavior and thought patterns. I found myself constantly playing a tape in my head in my own voice telling myself that, “writing is hard. Nobody cares if I write. I wish I was born with a natural talent.” I also found myself hypnotized by reality shows and long meaningless conversations about world affairs that I don’t have the time, interest, or resources to fix. Observing my own behavior was an indicator to me that I don’t really believe in myself because if I did, I would spend more time doing what I really enjoy.

I have learned that believing in yourself is an endeavor that requires you to take a cold, hard, honest look at your life to determine if your thoughts, actions, and words are aligned with your proclaimed goal. Believing in yourself is manifesting your thoughts into reality by keeping promises to yourself. A great golfer becomes great by practicing every day. A great musician first plays for herself simply because she loves the sound of her own music before playing for an audience.  A great dancer dance even when no one is looking. 

Pretend that you are your audience. What painting would you like to see? Don’t buy it this time, pick up a paint brush and paint it yourself. What story do you desperately want to read? Try writing it. Do you know how many people who gave up on their dream because some well meaning person told them to grow up, wake up and join the real world? There are so many people who believe that the reason they gave up on their dream is because no one believed in them.

But the saddest truth to face is that they did not have the courage or self-discipline to pursue their dream anyway—because they did not believe in themselves.  The beauty that is missing from the world is the authentic expression of you that is hidden inside of your body and soul that is dying to manifest itself through your daily actions.

By, Cassandra George Sturges, Psy. D, MA, MA

I am a handmade cloth doll maker and artist and my dolls talk to me. In this episode, meet my Authentik Beauty handmade cloth doll, Maybelline. In this YouTube video, she shares her marriage secrets lifehacks

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