Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Life Quote of the Day: Can You Afford to Shine

Life Quote of the Day: Can You Afford to Shine

Life Quote of the Day:
“Stars can’t shine without Darkness.D.H. Sidebottom

I need you to join me on the crazy train. Let us go back in time before you decided to take an assignment on planet Earth.  Are you with me? Okay, so imagine that you told your Soul Incarnation Team that you wanted to be songwriter—but not just any songwriter. You wanted to write a timeless hit song that pulled at the heartstrings of every person who heard it.

Your S.I.T (Soul Incarnation Team) warned you that maybe you should reconsider and dabble in writing lyrics as a part-time hobby whereby you may experience at best mediocre success as a songwriter but your life on Earth will have more balance to enjoy a variety of mundane activities. Perhaps growing old to see great grandchildren; retiring from your newspaper editor job after 35 years of loyal service –you may be given a gold watch. Nothing too fantastic or drastic.

You tell them, “No, no, no not by any means do I want my life mission on planet Earth to approach mundane. I want it all or nothing.” They explain to you that in order for you to have the intellectual, psychological, and sociological experience to write such a song your earth suit must be exposed to certain dark conditions and elements that will position you to shine. You must experience something that will force you to travel in the darkest places of the human heart to write such a song.

Before jumping into your earth suit, you wink and tell them, “Make me shine.”

I am quite sure that Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles had the same conversation with their S.I.T, but Roger Penzabene told them flat out that there was absolutely, positively no way, that he was going to agree to literal darkness. Yet, Penzabene still insisted that he wanted to shine as a songwriter.

Roger Penzabene wrote the songs, “I Wish it Would Rain,” “You’re My Everything,” and “I Could Never Love Another (After Loving You)” to articulate the pain of his broken heart when he learned that his wife had cheated on him with another man. Because he couldn’t stop loving her or live without her despite what she had done; 23-year-old, Penzabene committed suicide on New Year’s Eve in 1967.

I am quite sure that Martin Luther King, Harriett Tubman, John Brown, and Frederick Douglas had similar conversations with their S.I.T.

The darkness in your life is the backdrop that has positioned you to shine. It is your story of grit and grace.When others see you shining-- the light of your success blinds them, but they don’t know the story of the shadows behind the shine. 

Life Quotes Practical Application

1.      Everything has a direct and indirect cost. You must ask yourself whether you are willing to pay the spiritual price for what you want. Are you willing to miss several nights of sleep in  a row, studying from sun up to sun down to be a medical doctor? Are you willing to twist the truth in order to be a politician? If you want to be a stunningly gorgeous actress who wins an Oscar you must be willing to get ugly, naked, or both. Ask Halle Barry and Charlize Theron.

2.    Never envy another person’s success unless you are willing to go through everything (I do mean everything) that person went through to get to where they are today. They were prepped for their positions by demons of darkness that have never seen the light day. When you really want something, don’t forget to want all of it. If you want to be famous, accept the fact that photographers will want to take your picture and fans will interrupt you while you are eating. If you want to be a teacher, enjoy the disruptive students who like to throw spitballs, give wet willies, and never do their homework—not to mention the parents who love and support them. Remember to love the good and not so good aspects of the path that you have chosen- they are one and the same. They need each other to exist.

3.    Don’t be afraid of the dark- befriend it. Make peace with it. Ask the darkness: “To what do I owe thee, what spiritual contract did I sign because I wanted to shine?” Am I keeping my end of the deal? Did I write the song that I promised I would write? Have I started the book that haunts me each night? Am I living in the darkness because I am afraid to shine—now that I am here on earth? If I shine, will I lose my friends and family? Are you complaining about the darkness because in your heart—you are simply afraid of the light?


Quotes Translator, Weekly Column by, Cassandra George Sturges discusses Inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, famous quotes, quote of the day, positive quotes, life quotes, Quotes about life, life lessons, and relationship quotes and their applications to your life.

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