Saturday, February 11, 2017

Life Quote of the Day – Right to Life Hypocrisy

Quote of the Day – Right to Life Hypocrisy

Quotes of the Day:

“I would rather be known in life as an honest sinner, than a lying hypocrite…

“I am very cautious of people whose actions don’t match their words” Alex Elle

“It is easier to fight for principles than live up to them.” Alfred Adler

The streets of Ann Arbor Michigan are filled with right to life protesters. I was thinking about making a poster sign to join them, but what I want to say is much too long to fit on a poster sign. 

I want to be respectful of other people’s beliefs so I want to pose this more as questions and suggestions than a criticism.

What I don’t understand about the right to life movement is the title of the movement. When I see the term “Right to Life” in my menopausal mind this term would mean an all-inclusive respect for all human (animal?) (Plants?) life on this planet.

To simplify what I am pondering is how can we have a group of people who claim to believe in a “Right to Life” when there are hundreds of thousands of children in orphanages, foster care, in poverty not only in the United States but around the world who need a family, love, food, and or shelter.

 I don’t understand why you are not protesting at adoption agencies. Did I miss something? I don’t recall you joining forces with the Black Lives Matter movement when innocent people of color were being slain in the streets. I don’t see you protesting against war, or building a wall to keep Muslims and other ethnicities out of the United States. Do you really mean a right to life for all humans or humans of a certain color, age, or who live in a certain geographical location?

Is this really about the well-being and long-term care of the unborn baby – or controlling, judging, and manipulating the conditions, circumstances, and long-term options for the woman? Do you really care about either?

My question to any person who professes to be a right to lifer is: Why are you more concerned about an unborn fetus (if you want to call it a baby… fine let’s not fight over words) coming to this planet—than fighting to improve the conditions of the millions of babies and families already living here?

Maybe I missed it-- but are you fighting for free childcare, a mother / father having 6-9 months of paid maternity time from work after having a baby like other civilized countries; free universal healthcare for all citizens, free college education for anyone who wants to attend. Are you for or against the death penalty or do those people not deserve the right to life?

Do you believe that once a person makes a mistake on planet earth, their life has no more value? Therefore, let’s not even begin to discuss improving the conditions of our penal system that lock up of one third of men of color.

Are you only concerned about certain people having children or all children no matter what race, religion, or ethnicity they are? Are you just interested in them being born, but what happens to them after they get here is none of your concern or business? If that’s the case, okay—at least you are not a hypocrite. I can respect this.

I have a suggestion that may help you get a lot more people on your side, instead of just protesting in front of Planned Parenthood and abortion clinics, I think you should protest in front of adoption agencies, poor dilapidated schools, and countries where children are dying from the aftermaths of war. Don’t forget to march with women who do not want to have their vagina’s groped, or have their loved ones slain in the streets by the people who are supposed to protect them, and the people who are fleeing from other countries for a better life.

Life Quotes Practical Application

1.      Listen, I am a sinner. I am a hot mess. I just don’t want to tell other people what to do with their bodies. I don’t want to tell people who they should love, what they should wear, or what they should believe in for consenting adults—unless I am willing to help them with more than lip service.

2.    Maybe we should all be honest about what we believe in—including the boundaries and applications of our proposed beliefs. I believe that if we as a human society does not want to provide humane treatment and sincere rehabilitation to our prisoners—it would be more compassionate to kill them than take away their rights to vote and have them work for 25 cents an hour in prison. And worst of all—when they get out of prison we stamp felon on their records so that a background check can prevent them from getting a decent job. Unfortunately, their real Life sentence starts when they get out of prison.

3.    Sometimes we need to change what we are fighting against, so that we can get what it is we truly want—what we are truly fighting for. If we made the world, a more peaceful, loving, place filled with abundance and prosperity for all—more women would want to keep their babies. There is always more than one way to skin a cat.


Quotes Translator, Weekly Column by, Cassandra George Sturges discusses Inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, famous quotes, quote of the day, positive quotes, life quotes, Quotes about life, life lessons, and relationship quotes and their applications to your life.


To simplify what I am pondering is how can we have a group of people who claim to believe in a “Right to Life” when there are hundreds of thousands of children in orphanages, foster care, in poverty not only in the United States but around the world who need a family, love, food, and or shelter.
I don’t understand why you are not protesting at adoption agencies. Did I miss something?

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