Monday, February 13, 2017

Life Quote of the Day - Say No to others and Yes to Yourself

Life Quote of the Day:
“When you say yes to others, make sure you are not saying no to yourself.”


By Cassandra George Sturges

I had finally disciplined myself to wake up at 4:30 AM to meditate daily, write daily, and exercise 3 times a week. I had finally become the person I always wanted to be. Every night I went to sleep with the biggest smile on my face.

I had started writing book 3 in my Jungle Beauty Goddess science fiction series and the muses were pouring the words onto the page. I was in the zone of self-actualization.

Something happened on my job and I was asked to replace a colleague. I didn’t want to do it, and I was under no obligation, or threat of losing my job if I had said no. However, it has always been my nature to say yes to others, even if it meant saying no to my own dreams, needs, and desires.

I am the oldest sibling and I have to younger brothers. When we were children, my mother would tell me to set a good example and be a positive role model for my younger brothers by accepting the burnt sausage, the broken cookies, or whatever else my younger brothers refused to take because it wasn’t perfect.

My parents encouraged me to be the “responsible one”—“You are my big girl,” show your little brothers how they are supposed to conduct themselves; they would reason with me. I was conditioned to ignore what I really wanted and to be disconnected to and unaware of my own feelings as the oldest child.

Ironically, my brothers were being rewarded for bad behavior by getting what they wanted when they cried, whined, or misbehaved; and I was being punished for good behavior by getting what I didn’t want—the broken and burnt cookies. Unfortunately, this has been the story of my life.

I learned at an early age that pleasing other people was more important than pleasing myself. I knew that my parents loved me, but I felt that I had to earn their love—unlike my brothers whom I felt, they loved them unconditionally.

I have spent over have of my life saying yes to others and saying no to myself in hopes that others would at the very least like me—but now I am done with that – I hope. I don’t have grandchildren yet ...

Life Quotes Practical Application

1.      No one gets to have everything at the same time. If you say yes to something—you are always always, always, saying no to something else even if you are not currently aware of what you are saying no to. It may be as small as watching your favorite television show, or cutting 10 minutes of time from your bubble bath.

2.    Say “no” to everyone and everything until you have said yes and committed yourself to your own dreams. If you need to finish school, why are you volunteering your time to other projects? Once you have set goals and developed a routine to accomplish those goals—only then will you know if you have time to say yes to other people’s endeavors. So many people say yes to other people because they are procrastinating from doing what they really know in their hearts that they should be doing.

3.    You are responsible for your own happiness. People who really love you are not going to stop loving you or respecting you because you decline their offer. If someone stops being your friend or talking to you because you told them “No” you have lost nothing but a headache.

Quotes Translator, Weekly Column by, Cassandra George Sturges discusses Inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, famous quotes, quote of the day, positive quotes, life quotes, Quotes about life, life lessons, and relationship quotes and their applications to your life.


 My parents encouraged me to be the “responsible one”—“You are my big girl,” show your little brothers how they are supposed to conduct themselves; they would reason with me. Ironically, my brothers were being rewarded for bad behavior by getting what they wanted when they cried, whined, or misbehaved; and I was being punished for good behavior by getting what I didn’t want—the broken and burnt cookies…

Links to Life Quote of the Day Columns:

Life Quote of the Day: All Relationships go through Hell

Life Quote of the Day - Can you Afford to Shine?

Life Quote of the Day - Be Yourself

Check out my Authentik Beauty Handmade Doll Crafts Free DIYs & Tutorials on my YouTube Channel

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