Monday, December 9, 2013

Are You Physically Fat or Psychologically Overweight?

 Jungle Beauty Goddess Qattara's Advice Column
Via the Imagination of Cassandra George Sturges

Dear Qattara,

I have done everything within my power to lose weight, but the weight keeps coming back with additional pounds. I don’t get it. I see other people who have successfully lost weight and kept it off for good. What is wrong with me?

Fatty Patty

Dear Patty,

The first thing I must tell you is that you must first stop referring to yourself as fat because the words you use to describe yourself will always supersede any diet or exercise regime that you practice. Remember that your thoughts will always create your reality.

The question that I am going to address to you is “Why Humans are Fat.”  You are not fat or overweight if you practice the following activities:

If you eat healthfully, exercise moderately, and drink responsibly; you are not fat. You may be bigger than the people around you—and this causes you to feel uncomfortable because you are comparing yourself to other people—but let me assure you that you are not fat. You may feel over weight in comparison to the celebrated people in your culture—but you are not physically fat.

The difference between being 
Physically Overweight  -vs- Psychologically Overweight

One of the most self-loving things that you can do for yourself is to exercise because it requires you to set time aside “just for you” that benefits no one but you. Many women feel guilty taking time away from their families to exercise and focus only on themselves .You may cook a healthy meal for yourself and others; but exercising your body is a direct declaration of self-love.  When you exercise you are sending a clear message to the world that you cherish your body and value yourself. This is more difficult to do than it sounds. How many times have you been exhausted but you found the energy to baby-sit your relative’s children? How many times have you worked late to finish a project even though you were tired? How much of your time do you give away each day where you could have exercised?

 Many humans are psychologically over-weight not physically overweight. When you are psychologically overweight this means that you are not treating yourself with enough love, respect, and kindness. You are most likely giving too much of yourself away to others to your own detriment.
This leads me to the human persona of Santa Claus and Aunt Jemima. These are both characters who give selflessly to others. Can you imagine Santa Claus with a six pack traveling around the world from house to house to pass out Christmas gifts? How would Santa Claus find time to exercise if he was always supervising the production of toys or traveling on his sleigh to deliver them?  If you look at the picture of Aunt Jemima, you see a woman who is always cooking dinner, washing dishes, doing laundry or cleaning the house for others. Between these tasks, when does she have time to nurture and take care of herself?

Women on your planet who may be deemed fat but are not would be Melissa McCarthy, Queen Latifah, and Alabama Shakes singer-guitarist Brittany Howard because these women are expressing the essence of their souls. It is hard for some humans to except that they are not all designed to be the same color, size, or even speak the same language. Diversity is the order of the universe. If you are happy with most things in your life-- with the exception of your weight-- perhaps it is your ego that needs to lose weight—not your body.

“The Jungle Beauty Goddesses offer words of encouragement, Inspirational and motivational life stories, quotes, videos, images and pictures.  Most inspiring daily motivation short stories, quotes, and sayings.”

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