Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Questions You Should Never Ask another Person

Jungle Beauty Goddess Sahara  
Ruler of the Mind, Knowledge, Rational Thinking, and Information

Via the Imagination of Cassandra George Sturges
For Entertainment Purposes Only

Dear Jungle Beauty Goddess Sahara,

I am always asking my friends for advice about almost everything. By the time I finish getting everyone’s opinion I am even more confused. I would like to feel more secure in my own discernment on what I should do. I am so tired of asking others about how to live my life.
Why am I so insecure about making decisions that are in my own best interest without being influenced by others?

Always Confused

Dear Always Confused,

There are very few questions that humans do not know the answer to when it pertains to their personal life. If I asked you whether or not you wanted me to give you a billion dollars with no strings attached-- how long would it take for you to make a decision? If I asked you whether or not you wanted to lose your ability to see; would you need to talk this over with a friend? Now, I know these questions sound ridiculous. But the most important questions in your life are questions that you should never confer with another person about because the answer that you need is always inside of you. As not to waste your time or mine, I going to give you a list of questions whereby only you know the answer to.

Questions You Should Never Ask another Person:

1.       Do I look fat? (If you ask the question you know the answer. Stop fishing for a compliment.)

2.       Should I get a nose job, tummy tuck, breast augmentation, etc…

3.       Should I marry him or her?

4.       Should I divorce him or her?

5.       Should I quit my job?

6.     Do you think I am pretty? (What if they say no and mean yes; or say yes and mean no—what difference does it make what other people think of you? As long as you think you are pretty that the only opinion that matters at the end of the day.)

7.       Should I apologize first?

8.       Should I accept their apology?

9.       Should I give my baby up for adoption, get an abortion, or keep my baby? (The bottom line is: no one is going to help you with the baby long term—maybe the father if you are lucky. The father may die from a heart attack-either way you are stuck with the baby. Do you or don’t you want you baby! Period.

10.   Do you love me? (If you have to ask and that person hasn’t said it or shown love to you by their actions—there’s your answer.)

11.   Do you miss me? (Again. Really? Do you have to ask?)

12.   Who do you love the most me or…

Excuse my rudeness; I am annoyed by humans because they like to play as if they are prey—when indeed they are the predator. They pretend not to have the answer as a way to play docile and slither into someone else’s marriage or job. They pretend not know how to make Hamburger Helper as a reason to call someone’s home and speak to their husband. (I do believe that I am beside myself. I will aim to be more human friendly.)

Do you really have a question that you don’t know the answer to or is this your way of making people feel sorry for you or less intimidated by your success? Do you feel awkward telling your friend about your $200,000 job offer because you are afraid they she will be jealous—so you tell her in the format of a question? 

Most humans are not aware of their subconscious intentions. Do you really want an answer to your questions or do you want everyone to like you at the risk of you liking yourself? When you start making your own decisions you will attract new people in your life who will see you as a capable and intelligent being. How will you know when your energy has shifted? You will know because there will be many people asking you mundane questions. When you are even more evolved you will attract beings who create solutions to universal questions before they are even asked.

“The Jungle Beauty Goddesses offer words of encouragement, Inspirational and motivational life stories, quotes, videos, images and pictures.  Most inspiring daily motivation short stories, quotes, and sayings.”

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